Why Having Online Community is the Founding Stone in your Business?

Do you often see yourself on the edge of the cliff with all the adrenaline rush, ready to jump, ready to take a plunge but then you just step back because you don’t know what might happen?

Do you feel paralysed by the continuous chatter in your mind?

What if this also doesn’t work out? 

What if you put in your efforts and people just don’t buy your product? 

What sort of products to create so that people like them?

How do know what people are looking for?

Almost everyone must have been through this ‘Analysis Paralysis’ phase when you are not sure of yourself. You have an idea but either you don’t know how to execute it or you are just afraid of the results you might get.

Now, you must be thinking about how all this analysis paralysis theory is related to building a community. Right?

Let me connect the dots for you, my friend!

I want you to imagine that you have a small business and now you are eager to launch a new product but you have absolutely no idea of what your audience wants. What will sell in the market?

What will you do, then?

One method is to do thorough market research, analyse and figure out where the potential lies.

Another could be to just go ahead and ask people who are connected with you through social media platforms about what they are looking for?

You might also check out the latest trends using some tools.

But all of these efforts might or might not bring you the results.

Let me give you another scenario now – Imagine that you have a community where you are connected with your target audience, your existing customers or people who have shown interest in your products/ services and now you want to create a product and conduct research about what people are talking about.

Which scenario will yield you positive results? No gifts for guessing the right answer 😀

Your online community is your audience, your tribe, people who like your product/ service, people who like you, people who would like to stay connected with you and they will be the first ones to help you create your product. In Fact, you can just announce the launch of your product, pre-sell your product to your community, take a poll on what they are looking for in that product and then do the effort and create one keeping their needs and goals in mind. Isn’t that a perfect win-win for everyone?

Let me tell you another solid benefit of having a community

You must have heard about marketing funnels, right? 

Don’t worry, I am not gonna go all ‘techie-teachie’ now, but the last part of the funnel is when your customers become your advocates and help you with ‘word of mouth marketing’ which most definitely increases your revenue because people are more influenced to buy a product or service when other people like them are recommending it. This might also decrease your ad spend and hence double benefit for your business.

Where do you think your existing customers can connect with you, give you feedback, and share their opinions and stories so that you can give them what they want? 

Again, no prizes for guessing – In your community!

Pro tip: Choose a platform for your community where they would like to hang out (having a Facebook Page or Group) is a hands-down winner keeping in mind the increasing number of users and their level of activity.

Creating a community is one thing and keeping them engaged is another. Allow me to share some strategies to keep your community active, alive and kicking!

Keep your communication channel open

I believe in a very simple equation 

engaging communication = thriving community

The better you communicate, the better it gets for your followers to talk to you. It’s super important for your success here since the people, your tribe just want to connect with you, engage with you and listen to your stories and get inspired.

Provide Value

  • Use social listening to uncover your audience’s pain points. 
  • Ask questions on Facebook – “How can I help you guys out?”. 
  • Host Q&A sessions and find out what your community members are struggling with.

Your aim is to gather as many community pain points as possible before addressing them via content.

You can create awesome blog content that educates them and helps them overcome obstacles they’re facing, and you can also leverage influencer marketing to address your community’s pain points.

Instead of creating content for social media that promotes your brand, create content that actually helps your community members. This could include bite-sized how-to videos.

Read a great book recently that your community could really benefit from too? Tell them about it on social media! Share your thoughts and a link to where they can get it from. It’s the same with any podcasts or Youtube videos you’ve been watching lately.

I firmly believe that the more you give, the more you’ll get back. Remember, few people really care about your brand. But they will start to care about you the more you give.

Reward Your Top Contributors

If you’ve got a Facebook group, the top contributors are your most dedicated fans. They’re the ones who engage with your posts the most on social media. They’re awesome and you’ve gotta treat them well.

Tell Your Story

Your story is what creates an emotional bond with your audience. It’s where they see your values resonating on their own. Share your story to have a deep, emotional connection with your tribe and inspire them to take action.


Growing a community doesn’t need to be treated as ‘hard work’, Instead, it’s something that should be done out of love. You need to be genuinely passionate about what you do, and passionate about who you do this for.

Learn to love your community, give to them, involve them and excite them, and they will give you back a thousand times in return.